
Artist Statement: Diane Desmond


Free flying…
The music’s on and you dance through space...
The brush or palette knife grabs a color and you fly… Never knowing what colors next or the composition….
It emerges…Totally free…What a trip….. Grandma dd

Diane Desmond

Born Diane Angelovich, my father an accomplished artist, graduated from Pratt, had a rare gift of being able to create from memory. My parent’s were divorced when I was three but my Grandmother felt it important to expose me to the beauty of his work.      

Although my best subjects in school were math, science and logic I loved all forms of art and danced for many years.

I ‘m married to John Desmond a builder in Fairfield and have three wonderful sons and seven grandchildren.   All artistic… I’m known as Grandma dd…

My style has run the gamut from Romantic to Abstract.

I’ve studied under some wonderful artists: Linda Dohanas, Steven Dohanas grand daughter; Nicole Lasteau; Claire Garcia, Churchill Davenport, Kirill Doron,David Dunlap and Dimitri Wright at Silvermine ;Arlene Skutch from the Pink House Painters and Robert Reed from Yale….I’m a perpetual student .who paints from her heart and soul….

 In every canvas a piece of my spirit exists. One of my paintings hangs in New York Presbyterian Hospital, in memory of a dear friend. I’ve recently shown at Silvermine,Burr Mansion; UConn; Fairfield Art Center; Pequot Library; Barbara Barbara; Harborview Market; Framers of Black Rock; and SPAG in Norwalk.

To visit more of my work please visit:

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